Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of Subwayrunner.com, where you can enjoy Subway Surfers online games. By using our site, you agree to these terms. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please do not use our site. Please read them carefully!

General Information

In these Terms, “You” refers to the user of Subwayrunner.com. “We,” “Our,” or “Us” refers to Subwayrunner.com. These terms cover the offer and acceptance of payment necessary to provide our services in the best way possible.

Changes to Terms

We may update these Terms periodically. When we do, we will notify you by updating the Terms on our site. Changes will apply only to disputes arising after the update. By continuing to use our site after changes, you agree to the updated Terms.

Site Modifications

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any part of our site at any time. This includes changing access methods and fees, although we intend to keep our site free. We may also offer new features or opportunities without liability.


Our site may contain links to other websites. We take no responsibility for the information found on these outside websites. Including these links does not imply our endorsement or affiliation with the linked sites

Link Removal

We can request that you remove any links to our site at any time. You have to respond to these requests immediately.

Rules of Conduct

When using our site, you agree to:

  • Do not post harmful, threatening, or illegal content.
  • Do not use the site for unauthorized commercial purposes.
  • Not collect user information without permission.
  • Not disrupt the site’s operation or access.
  • Do not restrict others from using the site.
  • Not reproduce or exploit any part of the site without our consent.
  • Not reverse-engineer or modify the site except as allowed by law.
  • Do not use automated tools to gather site content without permission.
  • Ensure you have the necessary hardware and services to use the site.


We may monitor and review submissions on our site but are not obligated to do so. We may disclose information about your use of the site as needed.

Third-Party Materials

Our site may provide access to third-party content through links or other means. We do not control or endorse these materials and are not responsible for their content or accuracy. Use of third-party materials is at your own risk and subject to additional terms.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Our site and any third-party materials are provided “as is,” without warranties of any kind. We do not guarantee the accuracy or security of our site and are not liable for any errors or interruptions.

Copyright Infringement Claims

If you believe your copyright is violated by content on our site, send us a written notice. We also accept counter-notices if a wrongful claim is made against you. We recommend consulting legal counsel before submitting notices.


These Terms do not create any partnership or agency relationship between you and Subwayrunner.com. If any part of these Terms is found to be unlawful, it will be removed without affecting the rest of the Terms. We may assign our rights under these Terms without limitation.  

Final Agreement

These Terms represent the complete agreement between you and Subwayrunner.com regarding your use of our site. Any notices or updates will be provided through email or posted on the site.

By using Subwayrunner.com, you agree to these Terms and our privacy policy. Please get in touch with us if you need further help or if you have any questions.